How do you start your day? From the moment we open our eyes, we have the option of looking forward, with excitement, to the new opportunities that await, or can talk ourselves down.
One of the wonderful traditions I have noticed in Italy is that when friends, family, and colleagues head off to work after their kick start coffee at the counter, they part with a greeting of "Buon lavoro" - directly translated to "good work" but the spirit is the wish of having/doing a good day's work ahead. I think that is a wonderful ritual and a positive habit that we could all do with introducing to our day.
Buon Lavoro. The Italian version of "have a good day" specifically motivates you to "make a good day's work!"
My dogs often put on this show of pure exuberance at the start of the day. I haven't tried this move myself because I will probably put my back out and I don't have fur to protect my face. But it certainly makes me smile. Following this, they usually head off for the first of their daytime naps, while I get to work. But as they say, "it's a dogs' life". Buon lavoro! #work#mindset #positiveaffirmations #getup#goodhabits #neuralpathway #neuroplasticity#energy #worldofwork #share # #coffee #stretch